Instructions for Ice World

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Instructions in Brief

Ice World is a game that uses a Java Applet. Make sure Java Applets are enabled when you try to play Ice World. If you have an old version of Java, Ice World may not work on your web browser (I think Java 1.6.0 and up will work fine, but you may or may not be able to play Ice World with an older version). You can install a new version of Java at .

You can navigate menus and play the game using the directional arrows and the enter button on your keyboard. At any time during actually gameplay, you can hit the enter button to bring up a pause menu. Among other things, this pause menu lets you restart the current level or choose a different level. Your passcode is displayed when the pause menu is up. YOUR PASSCODE WILL NOT BE DISPLAYED AGAIN AFTER YOU SELECT "QUIT".

There is no direct way to change the music to sound effect ratio in this game. However, music uses MIDI, and sound effects use Wave. Thus, if you change the MIDI to Wave ratio on your computer's master volume, it will also change the music to sound effect ratio.

Getting Started

As stated previously, Ice World is a game that uses a Java Applet. Make sure Java Applets are enabled when you try to play Ice World. In order for the game to register keyboard events, you may have to click on the Java Applet with your mouse cursor when the game first starts. If you have an old version of Java, Ice World may not work on your web browser (I think Java 1.6.0 and up will work fine, but you may or may not be able to play Ice World with an older version). You can install a new version of Java at .

The first screen that appears is the Main Menu screen (you can skip the opening animation by clicking the enter button). You will have the choices as seen in the image to the right. Choose an option from the menu using the up and down arrows, and then use the enter button to confirm. "New Easy Game" will start a new game on easy mode. "New Hard Game" will start a new game on hard mode. "Passcode" will let you enter a passcode to continue from where you left off before.

Entering a Passcode

When you want to continue from where you left off, you should choose the "Passcode" option of the Main Menu. Doing so will bring up the passcode menu, as seen at the right. The orange square tells you the circle you have selected. Change which circle is selected using the arrow keys. Hitting the enter button will change the color of the selected circle. Change the colors of all the circles to match the passcode you have written down. Then, use the down arrow key to select the "done" option and hit enter. If you want to go back to the Main Menu, select the "back" option.

The Slideshow Screen

There is a slideshow for the prologue and the ending of Ice World. Images will fade in and out telling a story. In the prologue, if you want to skip to the next image immediately, hit the enter button when the image has fully appeared.


In the actual gameplay, you will see a screen that looks similar to above. You are Sergius (2), and your goal is to get the Crystal Shard (3). Once you do, the level is complete. Each level is on a 12x8 grid. You cannot go outside of the bounds of this grid.

The following is a description of the elements in the image above:

There are some more elements that may be in a level, as seen in the image below:

The Pause Menu

You can hit enter at any point during gameplay, and a Pause Menu like above will appear on your screen. You can navigate the Pause Menu the same as the Main Menu, using the up, down, and enter keys. The options of the Pause Menu do the following:

When the Pause Menu is displayed, your passcode is also displayed to the right. The passcode is a 3x3 grid of different colored circles. When you quit playing and come back to the game later, you can enter your passcode to start where you left off. REMEMBER TO WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSCODE BEFORE QUITTING.

All material on this website associated with Ice World, including music and midi files, is the sole and exclusive property of Matthew David Michelotti, not to be used for any purpose other than personal enjoyment without the express written permission of Matthew David Michelotti.

Copyright © 2007-2008 Matthew David Michelotti, All Rights Reserved.